
"Turns projects into products" - Brian

You are 100% launching a product, today

Code Boilerplate, resource sheet & templates to turn developers into founders and help them launch instantly

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Build Fast like your life depends on it (it could)

Next.js boilerplate in 4 themes with pre-setup auth, payments and database. Still can't launch? You belong to the no code tools 😑

A highly useful Google sheet? - rare but true!

Curated list of tools and knowledge to save you search time, so you can focus on centering a <div> and changing button colors.

Launch Your SaaS

You are 100% launching a product, today!
Just ship It

Create Your SaaS Now

Performance & security.
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Simple no-tricks pricing

What’s included

  • 4 ready to launch themes
  • Notion template
  • Resource sheet
  • Creator gets something

Pay once, own it forever

Indie Hacker Kit is a game-changer for developers like me. It provides an exceptional collection of templates, roadmaps, and boilerplate code that has transformed the way I approach SaaS development
customer testimonial portrait

Bonnie Green

Developer at Open AI

Indie Hacker Kit is a game-changer! It provides a complete set of templates, roadmaps, and boilerplate code that streamlined our SaaS development process. We launched our product in just 30 minutes.
customer testimonial portrait

John Doe

Product Manager at XYZ Corp

I'm amazed by Indie Hacker Kit's versatility. As a designer, I appreciate the beautifully designed templates it offers, which allowed me to create stunning UIs for our SaaS product in no time.
customer testimonial portrait

Alice Smith

Designer at Creative Solutions

Our SaaS startup wouldn't have come this far without Indie Hacker Kit. It saved us countless hours by providing ready-made roadmaps and boilerplate code. Highly recommended!
customer testimonial portrait

Bob Johnson

CEO at Tech Innovators

Indie Hacker Kit is a game-changer for marketers too. Its high-converting templates made our SaaS product launch a breeze. We reached our target audience faster than ever before!
customer testimonial portrait

Ella Davis

Marketing Specialist at Growth Co.

Indie Hacker Kit is a lifesaver for developers. With its comprehensive templates and boilerplate, we cut development time in half. Launching our SaaS in 30 minutes? It's a reality with Indie Hacker Kit.
customer testimonial portrait

James Wilson

CTO at Tech Innovations

Proudly presenting


Discover more about Indie Hacker Kit

What is the Indie Hacker Kit?

Indie Hacker Kit is a combination of a code boilerplate with auth/payments/DB already setup alongwith a resource sheet, notion template and ai prompts with clear instructions to help you launch a product today

If I can build it, why should I buy it?

In the words of the great Marc louvion, 'Others are launching while you're building'

How do I get started?

Choose a plan, get access to the resources with the instruction video, put in your keys, follow the roadmap and Launch!

What all do I get?

IHK is a combination of a boilerplate with launch instructions, templates, and resource sheet

Can I use this as a junior dev?

Yes you can, given you've already worked with JS, Tailwind CSS and Next JS. The instructions does the job of making it easy to use and launch

What if my question is not listed here

Not a problem, reach out to me via Mail, twitter or LinkedIn and I'll be very happy to answer. Links in Footer.